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Attendee Registration (Online registration now closed)

Tradeshow Exhibitor Registration (Now closed)

Nugget Room Block (Now closed)

Confirmed speakers and updates

Convention Sponsorships

Attend the Cattlemen’s Poster Session




10:45 am – 5:00 pm    CCA Scholarship Interviews
5 – 6 pm   CRT Cocktail Reception
6 – 7:30 pm  CRT Documentary Screening

7 am – 7:30 pm    Registration Open
8 am – 5 pm   CRT Board Meeting
9 am – 10 am  Mandatory Tradeshow Exhibitor Meeting/Allied Industry
9 am – 10:30 am   CCA Officer’s Meeting
11 am – Noon   YCC Networking in the Tradeshow
11 am – 12:30 pm   Calif. Cattlemen’s Foundation Board of Directors
Noon – 9:30 pm   Tradeshow Open
1 – 2:30 pm    CBCIA Board Meeting
1:30 – 2:30 pm    CCA Finance and Membership Meeting
2:30 – 4 pm    CCW Executive Committee
2:30 – 3:30 pm   Cattle-PAC Meeting
2:30 – 3:30 pm    YCC Meeting
4 – 5:00 pm    Opening General Session
5:30 – 6:30 pm    Allied Industry Wine & Cheese Reception
6:30 – 9:30 pm    Tradeshow Welcome Party

6:30 am – 5 pm   Registration Open
6:30 – 7:30 am    Christian Fellowship
7 am – 1 pm   Allied Industry Tradeshow
7 – 8 am   Breakfast in the Tradeshow
7 – 8 am   Wolf Subcommittee Meeting
7 – 8 am  LMRF Meeting
8 – 9:30 am   General Session #2 
10 – 10:45 am   CCW Workshop with Michelle Miller
10 am – Noon   Cattle Health & Well-Being
10 am – Noon  Cattle Marketing and International Trade
10 am – Noon   CCA Federal Lands
11:00 am – 1:30 pm   Cowbelle of the Year Lunch
Noon – 1 pm     Lunch in the Tradeshow
Noon – 1 pm   Past Presidents Lunch
1 – 2 pm   General Session #3
2 – 2:45 pm  A CA Cattlewomen Heritage Foundation, Inc.
2 – 4 pm   Cattlemen’s Poster Session
2 – 4 pm   CCA Property Rights & Environmental Management
2 – 4 pm   CCA Agriculture & Food Policy/Tax and Credit
3 – 5 pm   CCW Board and Membership Meeting
4 – 5 pm   CBCIA Cattlemen’s College Session
4 – 5 pm   Local Presidents and Secretaries Meeting
5 – 6 pm   CCA President’s Reception
6:30 – 9 pm   CCA & CCW Reception & Awards Banquet

7 – 8 am   CCA Nominating Committee
7 – 9 am   CCW Awards Breakfast
8:30 – 10 am   CCA Board and Membership Meeting


Convention attendees 2021


Online registration closed 11/27. Visit the registration booth onsite to register at the prices below.

Full registrations include access to meetings, the tradeshow, the Wine and Cheese Reception, entertainment and food at the Welcome Party, breakfast in the Tradeshow on Thursday and lunch in the tradeshow on Thursday. Full registrations do not include tickets to the Cowbelle of the Year Lunch, the CCW Awards Breakfast and CCA/CCW Awards Banquet.

Not a member and want to join? See the options to become a member at calcattlemen.org/join

CCA/CCW Member: $300
Young Cattlemen’s Committee Member: $100
Non-Member: $350

CCW Cowbelle of the Year Lunch: $65
CCA & CCW Awards Banquet: $100
CCW Awards Breakfast: $50

Registrations are non-refundable.
Registration prices increased November 13th


The California Cattlemen’s Association invites you to exhibit at the 2023 California Cattle Industry Tradeshow held in conjunction with the Convention.

Please download the Exhibitor Agreement and Registration Packet to learn more about the details and rules of exhibiting at this year’s tradeshow show or call the CCA office at (916) 444-0845. 

Reserve your booth online or by submitting the packet below via mail, email or fax.

2023 Booth Space Details:
Booth spaces are 10’x10’ and include: backdrape, side rail, ID sign, one six foot skirted table, two side chairs and one wastebasket.

# of booths

CCA and Member Price

Non-Member Price

One booth $550 $650
Two booths $900 $1,000
Three booths $1,050 $1,150
Four booths $1,200 $1,300


Booth assignments are made based on membership status and participation in Association events throughout the year including event sponsorship, attendance at Allied Industry meetings, participating in scholarship interviews, assisting with fundraisers for scholarships or serving in a leadership role. While we value all industry partners, organizations that participate more in the CCA are given priority in terms of booth placement. Initial booth space reservations will be taken through Wednesday, October 11. Booths reserved after this date can not be guaranteed.

Tradeshow Questions?
Contact Lisa Brendlen at lisa@calcattlemen.org or (916) 444-0845.




nugget sign

CCA’s room block at the Nugget Casino Resort closed Friday, Nov. 10th. Call the Nugget directly at (800) 648-1177 to book.


Convention attendees 2021

Patrick Linnell

Patrick Linnell, CattleFax

CCA looks forward to hearing from Patrick as a General Session speaker.

Born and raised in eastern Oregon, Patrick Linnell grew up with a commercial and registered Red Angus background. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in animal science and agricultural business from Colorado State University, where he was a member of both the meats and livestock judging teams and was involved in other clubs and activities. In fall 2017, Patrick earned a master’s degree in agricultural economics from CSU. His research focused on price forecasting and fed cattle markets.

Patrick joined CattleFax as an analyst in January 2018 and currently serves as the Director of Cattle Market Research and Analysis. His primary responsibilities include fundamental research and analysis within the cattle markets, as well as helping producers navigate markets and manage risk within their operations. Patrick is responsible for serving CattleFax members in the western region and writes frequently for CattleFax publications.

Patrick and his wife, Jordy, live in Castle Rock, Colorado with their two Corgis. They frequent the ski slopes in the winter and enjoy helping with the family operation in Oregon whenever possible. Patrick also helps coach the local 4-H livestock judging team.

Michelle Miller

Michelle Miller, Farm Babe

Michelle will be speaking in the California CattleWomen’s workshop on Thursday.

Michelle Miller, better known as the Farm Babe, is a Florida based internationally recognized speaker; published writer & columnist, and an online influencer as a full time advocate for agriculture.  She started her social media outreach over seven years ago as a way to better bridge the gap between farmers and consumers, making a name for herself as a dedicated “mythbuster” in food and farming. Farm Babe has hundreds of thousands of followers and an average social media reach of 5+ million monthly.  She’s been featured in Forbes & has caught the attention of the Today Show, Inside Edition, CNN, People magazine, and more… a guest on Dr Drew, has influenced corporations as powerful as Burger King, and has proudly spoken alongside some of the biggest names in food and farming today.


Emily Ellis, Animal Ag Alliance

Emily will speak in the Opening General Session.

Emily Ellis is manager, communications and content at the Animal Agriculture Alliance, a nonprofit working to safeguard the future of animal agriculture and its value to society by bridging the communication gap between the farm and food communities. In her role, Emily is responsible for shaping the Alliance’s brand and proactive communications strategy.

Emily leads the Alliance’s media engagement efforts, ensures the strength and consistency of the Alliance brand, manages the planning and execution of the College Aggies Online program, and outreach efforts with nutrition influencers. She also coordinates strategic discussions with relevant stakeholders on communications strategies and represents the Alliance at various industry meetings.

Prior to joining the Alliance team, Emily served as communications manager for Maryland Farm Bureau and held several internships within the animal agriculture community – including communications intern for the Alliance. Emily holds a B.S. in animal science from the University of Maryland. She joined the Alliance team in 2020.

Ethan Lane

Ethan Lane, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

Ethan will be speaking in a general session.

Ethan leads NCBA’s Washington office as the Vice President of Government Affairs. He is a fifth generation Arizonan with more than two decades of experience in natural resources, land use issues, and advocacy on behalf of the cattle industry. Prior to his current role, he was the Executive Director for the Public Lands Council, and Senior Executive Director of the NCBA Federal Lands portfolio. Ethan has also operated a consulting firm where he worked on multiple high profile political campaigns and advised clients in a variety of industries on regulatory and legislative issues. Before moving to Washington, Ethan spent 10 years managing and helping to grow a large real estate and ranch portfolio in Arizona.

Holly Foster

Holly Foster, Western Video Market

Holly will be speaking at the CCW Breakfast.

Holly Foster has been the operations manager for Western Video Market (WVM) since 2015. WVM was founded in 1989 to help customers sell livestock in an auction format to a national marketplace via satellite and the internet, selling almost 400,000 head in 2022. The company works with 20 bonded livestock dealers and auction markets, and approximately 90 individual field reps, to consign livestock from throughout the West. Previously, Foster worked for IMI Global and the California Beef Council. She began her career post-college as managing editor for Beef Today. Holly is actively involved in her family’s cattle operation in Butte and Plumas counties. She graduated from CSU, Chico with a Bachelor’s in animal science and a minor in business, and subsequently obtained a Master’s from Colorado State University in the Beef Industry Leadership program.


boot sponsor

CCA has multiple items available to sponsor at this year’s event, ranging in investment prices from $500 and up. Sponsorships are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. Download the packet to find out what sponsorship option will work best for your needs and reserve it today!


Student at poster sessionStudent at poster session

Participate in the 2023 Cattlemen’s Poster Session happening at Convention! The goal of the session is to inform attendees about the ongoing beef cattle research and education efforts being conducted in California. Posters can be something that was presented at previous meetings and there is no limit to the number of posters brought from each lab/program.

Posters can be put up as early as Thursday, Nov. 30 at 8am. The formal poster session will be held from 2-4 pm

The deadline to submit posters was Friday, Nov. 3. 


The application period for interns is now closed. Check out the details below to consider applying next year.

Selected interns will help run CCA’s tradeshow booth, onsite registration and other behind the scenes tasks at the event, they will also get to attend select meetings of interest, general sessions and the tradeshow with complimentary lodging and registration. Additionally, the interns will get to interact with CCA leadership and staff, as well as industry leaders at the best attended meeting of the year.

To apply a resume and cover letter were due to Maureen LaGrande at maureen@calcattlemen.org by Tuesday, October 10, 2022, at 11:59pm PST. Applicant must be a young, regular or feeder member of the California Cattlemen’s Association and must be a current undergraduate, master, school of law or veterinary student attending or enrolled in a junior college, four-year college, university or law school (high school students are not eligible).

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