Did you know CCA has 38 county cattlemen’s association affiliates?
Click above for more information about each local association.
The California Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) is a non-profit trade association, formed in 1917, that represents California’s ranchers and beef producers in legislative and regulatory affairs. CCA’s funding is generated almost entirely by voluntary dues paid by members, who in turn determine the direction and policy of the organization.
Our association is:
The California Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) is a non-profit trade association, formed in 1917, that represents California’s ranchers and beef producers in legislative and regulatory affairs. CCA’s funding is generated almost entirely by voluntary dues paid by members, who in turn determine the direction and policy of the organization.
Our association is:
Did you know CCA has 38 county cattlemen’s association affiliates?
Click above for more information about each local association.
The California Cattlemen’s Association has a well-rounded staff in Sacramento striving to serve and support ranchers in the state by working on issues impacting the beef community. Please don’t hesitate to contact any of the staff with any questions or problems you may have today at
(916) 444-0845.
The Association works to keep members educated on what’s happening in the industry, as well as educate the public about how California beef producers are leaders in the U.S. cattle industry, providing more beef using fewer resources and with less greenhouse gas emissions than any other region in the world.
From Legislative Breakfast in the Spring to Annual Convention in the Fall, becoming a member of the California Cattlemen’s Association comes with year-round opportunities to meet California beef producers and supporters across the state and nation. The more members the more connections for all to build.
From public outreach to member outreach, The California Cattlemen’s Association is working to keep consumers and ranchers informed of the issues surrounding beef cattle production in California By joining, you can access CCA’s various publications and stay up on the latest news surrounding California cattlemen.
Mission: Enhance and promote a more favorable business environment for California producers.
Nourishing people, caring for livestock and sustaining the environment for all Californians.
At the California Cattlemen’s Association, we believe in:
Californians value cattle production as an indispensable benefit to our state.
Overarching Strategy
The biggest theme during the strategic planning process was a desire to positively re-position California cattle ranchers and beef producers. When we talk about “positioning” we are talking about the desired perception the association wants people to have in their hearts and minds when they hear about California beef producers. Developing this position will be the foundation for all communication, and will live as an addendum to this plan. That said, the foundation for the positioning strategy will be to highlight California ranchers as stewards of the land and as an indispensable part of the state, thus building off the strategic plan as outlined here.
Strategic Priorities
Important Definitions
Mission: The organization’s core business
Vision: The destination we are working toward
Purpose: The end benefit to people or society
Core values: Principles that drive decision making
Strategic priorities: Areas of focus to achieve the vision
Nourishing people, caring for livestock and sustaining the environment for all Californians.
At the California Cattlemen’s Association we believe in:
Californians value cattle production as an indispensable benefit to our state.
Overarching Strategy
The biggest theme during the strategic planning process was a desire to positively re-position California cattle ranchers and beef producers. When we talk about “positioning” we are talking about the desired perception the association wants people to have in their hearts and minds when they hear about California beef producers. Developing this position will be the foundation for all communication, and will live as an addendum to this plan. That said, the foundation for the positioning strategy will be to highlight California ranchers as stewards of the land and as an indispensable part of the state, thus building off the strategic plan as outlined here.
Strategic Priorities
Important Definitions
Mission: The organization’s core business
Vision: The destination we are working toward
Purpose: The end benefit to people or society
Core values: Principles that drive decision making
Strategic priorities: Areas of focus to achieve the vision
Mission: Enhance and promote a more favorable
business environment for California producers.