October 28, 2024
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CDFW Reopens Applications for Wolf-Livestock Compensation Program
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced this morning that it “is now accepting applications for direct livestock loss compensation (Prong 1) as part of the Wolf-Livestock Compensation Program.”
The reopening of the compensation fund was made possible by CCA’s successful advocacy, as the Association secured $600,000 in renewed funding for CDFW’s Wolf-Livestock Compensation Program in the 2024-25 State Budget after prior funding for the Program dried up earlier this year.
Compensation funding is available for any depredations classified as confirmed or probable by CDFW on or after July 1, 2024 (the effective date of the 2024-25 Budget). Impacted producers must file an application for compensation, which is available here.
CDFW notes that “at this time… [the agency] is not seeking applications for non-lethal deterrents (Prong 2) or pay for presence (Prong 3).” This is in line with CCA’s Program advocacy: given limited funding for the Program, CCA has argued that compensation should be squarely targeted toward direct losses of livestock to wolves, as other, indirect forms of compensation would risk rapidly depleting state funds. CCA is aggressively pursuing other funding sources for non-lethal deterrence assistance through federal programs and will keep members apprised of any developments on that front.
SWRCB Suspends Shasta River Curtailments Through End of Day Thursday
The State Water Resources Control Board announced on Friday that it has suspended “all curtailments for water rights in the Shasta River watershed until” midnight this Thursday, Oct. 31. The suspension come as water levels measured at the US Geological Survey’s Yreka gage have consistently exceeded the minimum flow target of 105 cubic feet per second established by the SWRCB.
Despite the suspension of curtailments, those wishing to divert surface water for livestock use must continue to meet the requirements for livestock diversion detailed in Addendum 2 for the Shasta River Watershed Curtailment Order (WR 2024-0006-DWR).
For additional information, see the SWRCB’s Scott River and Shasta River Watersheds Emergency Regulation webpage.
New Episode of Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast
A new episode of Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast is out now! In this week’s episode Dr. Ken Tate, a UC Davis Professor of Extension in Rangeland Management and Dr. Tina Saitone, a UC Davis Professor of Extension in Livestock and Rangeland Economics, share about the wolf research in California they have been working on the last three years. To listen, click here.
Email Marketing Tips & Tricks Webinar for California Cattle Ranchers
Join the California Cattlemen’s Foundation on Wednesday, Nov. 13 at 6:30pm for a free webinar with tips and tricks on how you can use email marketing to connect with customers and followers.
Examples of how you as a rancher could use email marketing:
- You want to share more information about your ranch beyond social media with your followers.
- You’re having a private treaty bull sale and want to email past customers to let them know all the details on the upcoming offerings.
- You sell beef direct to consumers and want to share an update on processing and meat deliveries.
This is free, virtual training is hosted with support from the California Cattle Council. To RSVP for the webinar, click here.
California Grazing Land Coalition Wants to Hear from Ranchers/Graziers
From the California Grazing Land Coalition (CalGLC)
CalGLC is a producer-led and producer-focused project of the CA Rangeland Conservation Coalition. We are taking a co-laborative approach to grazing lands stewardship and ranch viability by centering rancher voices in a dedicated coalition of community organizations, researchers, conservation districts, non-government organizations and representatives from state and federal land management agencies. The coalition is supported by a rancher advisory panel made up of 5 livestock producers across the state. The panel has outlined strategic priorities and pathways for success, based on the current situation of ranching in CA.
To advance feasible solutions, we are requesting broader producer input on the needs and priorities laid out by the rancher advisors. In order to amplify rancher voices and see a collective vision of land, livestock and community stewardship come to fruition, we need input from as many livestock producers in our state as possible. Thus, we have created a short (@10 minutes) and concise survey for livestock producers to help us understand where we should focus our time and effort that may benefit them. Responses are anonymous. To take the survey, click here. For any questions, contact Alex Karol at [email protected].
Book Rooms for Convention by Nov. 11
The CCA and CCW Convention and California Cattle Industry Tradeshow is headed to the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nev. this December. Make your lodging plans in CCA’s room block at the Grand Sierra Resort now, before the room block closes on Nov. 11. Click here to reserve your room or call (775) 789-2000 and mention the group code CCAC24. Book before the deadline to get the best rate!
Upcoming CCA Events
2024 CCA & CCW Annual Convention & California Cattle Industry Tradeshow!
Dec. 4 – 6, 2024, Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, Nev.
The 108th CCA and CCW Annual Convention and California Cattle Industry Tradeshow is taking place Dec. 4 – 6, 2024 at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nev. Register, reserve your room in CCA’s room block, and view a tentative schedule here. The room block will close on Monday, Nov. 11 at midnight. Click the links below for more event details.
Register| Book your room in CCA’s Room Block at the GSR | Reserve your Tradeshow Booth Now | Sponsorship Opportunities
Participate in the 2024 Cattlemen’s Poster Session
Participate in the 2024 Cattlemen’s Poster Session happening at Convention! The goal of the session is to inform attendees about the ongoing beef cattle research and education efforts being conducted in California. Posters can be something that was presented at previous meetings and there is no limit to the number of posters brought from each lab/program. The deadline to submit posters is Friday, Nov. 8. To learn more and reserve your poster spot, click here.
Upcoming Industry Events
2024 Stockmanship and Stewardship Virtual Event
Nov. 7, 9:00am – 5:30pm CST, Virtual
Tune in to the 2024 Stockmanship and Stewardship Virtual Event on Nov. 7. Cattle handling experts, Dr. Ron Gill and Curt Pate, will speak on Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) principles, facility design, and low-stress stockmanship. To learn more and register for this free event, click here.
Working Lands for Wildlife Informational Session
Nov. 7, 5:30-7:30pm, White Mountain Research Center, 3000 East Line St., Bishop, CA
The Natural Resources Conservation Service and Eastern Sierra Land Trust are hosting an event on Nov. 7, in Bishop, CA to spread the word about how NRCS’ Working Lands for Wildlife Program can benefit ranchers by providing funding to support voluntary management efforts that improve agricultural productivity and wildlife habitat in sagebrush rangelands. Dinner and drinks will be provided. To RSVP, click here.
Industry News
NCBA Slams Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Recommendations National Cattlemen’s Beef Association “Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) slammed the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s unhinged recommendations that propose replacing high-quality proteins like beef with beans, peas, and lentils.” To continue reading, click here.
U.S. Forest Service halts prescribed burns in California, a letdown to crews ready to go San Francisco Chronicle “The U.S. Forest Service has halted all prescribed burning on federal lands across California ‘for the foreseeable future’ while critically dry weather heightens the risk of a big wildfire, especially in the southern portion of the state.” To continue reading, click here.
Strategic Fire Management Plans Aim to Safeguard California and Nevada Lands Sierra Daily News “The Bureau of Land Management is gearing up for a series of planned prescribed burns across northeast California and northwest Nevada this fall, aiming to reduce wildfire risks while enhancing local wildlife habitats and grazing lands. Crews from the Eagle Lake and Applegate Field Offices will manage these burns, starting October 22 in Lassen County, continuing through November 30.” To continue reading, click here.
A new episode of Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast is out now! In this week’s episode Dr. Ken Tate, a UC Davis Professor of Extension in Rangeland Management and Dr. Tina Saitone, a UC Davis Professor of Extension in Livestock and Rangeland Economics, share about the wolf research in California they have been working on the last three years. To listen, click here.