The ongoing support of California’s ranching community is key to CCA’s success. Together we are making a difference. With your help, we secured major victories in 2024, including:
Securing renewed funding for the Department of Fish & Wildlife’s Wolf-Livestock Compensation Program in the FY 2024-25 State Budget despite a dire budget deficit.
Successfully killing a legislative effort to subsidize “alternative protein” research and development in both the 2025 Budget and the Climate Bond (Proposition 4).
Advancing a bill, signed by the Governor that streamlines CAL FIRE’s contracting ability to speed up large-scale prescribed fires.
Defeating legislation that would have imposed significant costs upon ranchers by requiring routine inspections of any gates weighing more than 50 pounds with a width of 4 feet or more or a height of 7 feet or more.
Enshrining the environmental benefits of livestock grazing in state policies such as the California Natural Resources Agency’s Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy and 30×30 Initiative, and CARB’s Scoping Plan for Achieving Carbon Neutrality, among others.
Our work is far from complete, and we remain committed to advocating for ranching in Sacramento and Washington, DC. With your help and resilience, we will be laser-focused on achieving more victories throughout 2025.
Previous Wins
Defeating legislation which sought to empower radical animal rights groups to sue ranchers in civil court, a measure which could have resulted in harassment against livestock producers or judicially redefining what constitutes animal ‘abuse.’
Securing funds in the 2023-24 state budget for grazing and grazing infrastructure, reflecting lawmakers’ recognition of grazing as a tool for managing fire fuels.
Defeating or favorably amending a trio of bills that would have fundamentally undermined California’s water rights priority system and vastly expanded the powers of the State Water Resources Control Board.
Defeating a proposal – not backed by sound science or market realities – to mandate methane-emissions-reducing feed additives in beef cattle diets.
Achieving widespread State recognition of the ecological benefits of livestock grazing, which have been cited by the California Air Resources Board, Natural Resources Secretary and countless other lawmakers and regulators.
Sponsoring legislation signed into law by Gov. Newsom which continues to exempt agricultural vehicles from CHP’s Basic Inspections of Terminals program, avoiding regulatory burdens and costs for California ranchers.
Passing legislation which permanently reauthorizes water measurement short-courses that enable ranchers to install their own water measurement devices, cutting regulatory compliance costs by thousands of dollars.
Defeating radical environmentalists’ efforts to incentivize plant-based foods over meat and dairy in school meals and to outlaw the development and expansion of feedlots and processing plants.
Securing amendments to feral pig hunting legislation that safeguard ranchers’ private property rights.
Securing $80 million in the 2022-23 State Budget for Fire Prevention Grants which can be used for “prescribed wildland grazing” and to fund “prescribed grazing infrastructure.”
Sponsoring legislation which, if signed by Gov. Newsom, will facilitate creation of local “livestock pass” programs, enabling ranchers to safely access and evacuate cattle during wildfires and other emergencies
Securing $20 million in state funding for a Prescribed Fire Claims Fund to help shield prescribed burners from liability, and sponsoring legislation to immunize prescribed burners from CAL FIRE cost recovery
Securing $1.5 billion for wildfire resilience and forest health in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 State Budget
Defeating legislation which sought to promote plant-based meals in school lunches and to incentivize conversion of livestock ranching to crop production
Securing state and federal assistance for producers impacted by drought, wildfire, and market disruptions
Successfully opposed Proposition 15, the largest tax increase in California history. If passed, Proposition 15 would have eliminated critical Proposition 13 protections that help keep our property taxes in check.
Secured the commercial production and release of a Foothill Abortion vaccine, a critical achievement for the cattle industry with decades of research, hard work and the investment of millions of dollars.
Obtained COVID-19 relief funding to ease the impact of the virus on our businesses.
Defeated legislation that would have limited the availability of food byproducts for use in animal feed, killed a proposal to require a consumption-based greenhouse gas inventory only for animal food products with the express goal of “Reducing animal food intake,” and defeated legislation that sought to increase regulatory burdens under the California Environmental Quality Act.
Worked alongside the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association to ensure that federally, ranchers saw significant reforms in the Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and advancements in trade policy like the ratification of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
Defeated legislation that attempted to replace beef in school lunches with vegan options
Successfully opposed SB 1, which sought to require California to meet or exceed all federal environmental regulations which were in place prior to President Trump’s term in office
Defeated an effort to reinstate the California Estate Tax
Successfully defended federal lands permittees’ rights to graze on public lands in a lawsuit brought by the Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center challenging grazing on the Stanislaus National Forrest
Defeated legislation that attempted to replace beef in school lunches with vegan options
Secured agricultural exemptions for permitting requirements under California’s Waters of the State Rule and successfully advocated for the repeal of the 2015 Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) Rule
Ensured modernization of the Endangered Species Act, including reforms to critical habitat designations and the repeal of the “blanket 4(d) rule,” which extended endangered species protections to most species listed as threatened
Sponsored SB 965, signed into law by Governor Brown, which paved the way for a referendum to establish the California Cattle Council, which would provide for research, promotion and education regarding live-cattle issues.
Remained a leading voice on transportation issues that impact the hauling of live cattle. In 2018, CCA was successful in extending the federal exemption for the use of an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) through September 30, 2019 and continued to work with national and state partners to increase the legal time a driver can be behind the wheel with substantive reforms to federal Hours of Service regulations.
Worked to enact legislation that resulted in $1 billion in funding for forest management, fuel load reduction and prescribed fire to increase fire resiliency.
Sued the US Fish & Wildlife Service over the designation of 1.8 million acres of critical habitat for Yosemite toad and Yellow-legged frog, and filed a brief in support of US Supreme Court litigation that limited the Service’s exercise of critical habitat designations.
Aided more than a thousand ranchers in saving thousands of dollars in regulatory compliance costs related to measuring water diversions. Thanks to CCA-sponsored AB 589 (Bigelow), signed into law in 2017, in 2018 more than a thousand ranchers were able to take UC Cooperative Extension courses to self-certify as qualified individuals for installing water measuring devices, avoiding costs to hire an engineer.
Continued association work to support the creation of new surface water storage.
With your support, The California Cattlemen’s Association scored some major victories over the last few years. Our work is far from complete and we will remain engaged on these issues, as well as others.
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California Cattleman Weekly, March 3, 2025
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