Wildfire Disaster Assistance
As fires are raging across California, destroying life and property, our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected. Various federal government programs exist to provide disaster assistance for those who have been impacted by wildfires. Although your attention is no doubt focused on the situation at hand, it’s important to note that several of the disaster assistance programs have initial notification deadlines that must be met in order to be eligible for funding.
An overview of the USDA programs providing wildfire assistance is available in a factsheet from the Rancher Technical Assistance Program. Click here to download the factsheet.
More details on each program is available below. For help contacting your FSA office or understanding what questions to ask, contact the Rancher Technical Assistance Program (RTAP) team at [email protected] or (916) 409-6902. RTAP provides free regulatory assistance for all California cattle producers, provided by the California Cattlemen’s Foundation and funded by the California Cattle Council. Learn more about the program at https://www.calcattlemenfoundation.org/rtap.
Livestock Indemnity Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) to reimburse producers up to 75 percent of the market value of animals lost due to adverse weather conditions. Adverse weather conditions under LIP include wildfires. All classes of cattle are eligible for reimbursement including cows, bulls and calves. For 2022, a claim for a bull is paid out at $1,077.94, a cow at $829.18 and non-adult cattle (calves) from $474.38 per head to $1102.20 per head depending on weight. Learn more by clicking the factsheet button below.
Wildfire Disaster Assistance
As fires are raging across California, destroying life and property, our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected. Various federal government programs exist to provide disaster assistance for those who have been impacted by wildfires. Although your attention is no doubt focused on the situation at hand, it’s important to note that several of the disaster assistance programs have initial notification deadlines that must be met in order to be eligible for funding.
Livestock Indemnity Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) to reimburse producers up to 75 percent of the market value of animals lost due to adverse weather conditions. Adverse weather conditions under LIP include wildfires. All classes of cattle are eligible for reimbursement including cows, bulls and calves. For 2022, a claim for a bull is paid out at $1,077.94, a cow at $829.18 and non-adult cattle (calves) from $474.38 per head to $1102.20 per head depending on weight. Learn more by clicking the factsheet button below.
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
The NAP program is a federal disaster insurance program that enables ranchers who have applied for coverage to receive compensation for a loss of forage due to drought or other natural disasters like wildfire. In order to be eligible to receive payments under NAP, a rancher must have previously enrolled in the program with their county FSA office and paid the service fee. If you are currently enrolled in NAP and you’ve experienced forage loss due to fire, you may be eligible for a claim. Producers must report a loss to their local county FSA office within 15 calendar days of the natural disaster occurring by completing a “Notice of Loss & Application for Payment” form. The form is available at your local FSA office.
Emergency Conservation Program
The Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) is a program administered through your local county FSA office that assists ranchers with fence construction and repairing other rangeland infrastructure that may have been lost or damaged due to a natural disaster. Ranchers are eligible to receive up to 75% of the cost to implement the project. Funds are dispersed by USDA to county FSA offices as they are available and requested so please contact your county FSA office immediately to help demonstrate the need to request federal funds for local restoration projects.
Environmental Quality Incentive Program
If projects to repair or replace rangeland infrastructure lost due to the fire are not eligible for assistance under other federal disaster assistance programs, ranchers can look to fund projects under the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). EQIP is not a program built or intended to respond to natural disasters so it may not be preferred for addressing immediate needs. Applications for projects can be taken by your NRCS representative at your local County FSA office. Please be aware, approval for projects are subject to several pre-established deadlines throughout the year.
Environmental Quality Incentive Program
If projects to repair or replace rangeland infrastructure lost due to the fire are not eligible for assistance under other federal disaster assistance programs, ranchers can look to fund projects under the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). EQIP is not a program built or intended to respond to natural disasters so it may not be preferred for addressing immediate needs. Applications for projects can be taken by your NRCS representative at your local County FSA office. Please be aware, approval for projects are subject to several pre-established deadlines throughout the year.

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