What temporary Hours of Service exemptions for livestock haulers have been provided by the Feds and Governor Newsom?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued an Expanded Emergency Declaration exempting livestock haulers from compliance with the federal Hours of Service rules that limit drive time. The declaration provides an Hours of Service exemption for all haulers “providing direct assistance in support of emergency relief efforts related to the COVID-19 outbreaks, including”

How can I stay healthy around my animals?

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has created a webpage of information regarding animals and COVID-19, including guidance on how to stay healthy around animals during this time. “In the United States, there is no evidence to suggest that any animals, including pets, livestock, or wildlife, might be a source of COVID-19 infection

Where can I find a list of“ Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” in the food and agriculture sector?

In the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Food and Agriculture Sector-Specific Plan, the food and agriculture sector is divided into eight categories. The categories are all considered essential during an emergency such as the current COVID-19 crisis. The divided categories are as followed: Supply Processing, Packaging, and Production Agricultural and Food Product Storage Agricultural

What guidance has the California Department of Food and Agriculture provided?

CDFA issued guidance that “The food supply makes up critical infrastructure from farm to table and includes assets, systems, networks, and functions that provide vital services to the nation. It is essential that federal government-defined critical infrastructure and supply chains are protected, and that all elements pertaining to the food supply remain operational, including a workforce that is vital to production of the food supply.” The California State


Winners will be showcased at the annual CCA/CCW Convention and all winning photos will be published in the January 2020 issue of the California Cattleman magazine. Compensation outside of the prize money will not be given for any winning photos or the publishing of winning photos.


Judging will be done by 3 qualified individuals who will not be priviledged to any names of contest participants. *Judges may move photos to alternative categories if they feel a photo is better suited to a different category. Category judging will take place prior to the CCA & CCW Convention and final People’s Choice judging


All photos must be high quality of at least 600 dpi in resolution. All photos must be entered vertically or horizontally at 8”x10” dimensions. For more information, contact CCA at (916) 444-0845. Enter photos for all categories by sending by e-mail to: magazine@ calcattlemen.org, subject line: CCA/CCW Photo Contest. Send ONE (1) e-mail message per


The contest is open to any member of the California Cattlemen’s Association or California CattleWomen, Inc., and their immediate families. Immediate family is defined as a spouse, parent, or child residing in the same household. CCA/CCW employees and their immediate families are not eligible. Participants for all categories, other than the "Professionals" category, must be amateur photographers, defined as anyone

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