The Application period for the 2024 California Cattlemen’s Association Convention Internship is now open! 

Each year YCC members have the opportunity to apply and serve as a CCA Convention Intern. The weeklong internship provides students with a hands-on and behind-the-scenes view of all the working parts of putting on a convention. Interns assist with registration, directing attendees, running the CCA merchandise table and much more. Additionally, interns have the opportunity to connect with industry leaders, and attend select meetings, general sessions, and the tradeshow with a complimentary registration.

To apply send a resume and cover letter detailing why you would like to serve as a convention intern to Maureen LaGrande at [email protected] by Friday, Oct. 11, at 11:59 p.m. PST. Any young, regular or feeder member are eligible to apply for this internship. Past interns are eligible to reapply. If you are not currently a CCA member and would like to join visit

CCA does not currently offer paid internships. We are willing to work with prospective intern candidates to develop non-paid internship opportunities. If you are a college student looking for a non-paid internship opportunity in a field that relates to the California Cattlemen’s Association contact, CCA’s Associate Director of Communications Maureen LaGrande at [email protected].