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Attendee Registration (Online registration is now closed)


Exhibitor Registration





11 am – 5:00 pm    CCA Scholarship Interviews


8 am – 6:30 pm    Registration Open
8 am – 5 pm   CRT Board Meeting
9 am – 10 am  Mandatory Tradeshow Exhibitor Meeting/Allied Industry
10 am – Noon   CCA Officer’s Meeting
11 am – Noon   YCC Networking in the Tradeshow
Noon – 9:30 pm   Tradeshow Open
Noon – 2 pm   Calif. Cattlemen’s Foundation Board of Directors
1 – 2 pm    CBCIA Finance Meeting
2 – 3 pm    CCA Finance and Membership Meeting
2 – 5 pm CBCIA Board Meeting
2 – 3 pm Ag Pass Informational Workshop
2:30 – 4 pm   CCW Executive Committee
2:30 – 4 pm   Beef Advocacy and Media Training
3 – 4 pm   Cattle-PAC Meeting
3 – 4 pm UC Davis Rustici Workshop
3 – 4 pm YCC Meeting
4 – 5:30 pm   Opening General Session
5:30 – 6:30 pm   Allied Industry Wine & Cheese Reception
6:30 – 9:30 pm   Tradeshow Welcome Party


6:30 am – 5 pm   Registration Open
6:30 – 7:30 am Prayer Gathering
7 am – 1 pm   California Cattle Industry Tradeshow
7 – 8 am   Breakfast in the Tradeshow
7 – 8 am   LMRF Meeting
7 – 10 am   Bloody Mary Bar
8 – 9:00 am   CCW Executive Committee Training
8 – 10 am   General Session #2 (Cattle Markets)
9 – 10 am   A CA Cattlewomen Heritage Foundation, Inc.
10 – 11 am   CCW Meet and Greet with Standing Committee Chairs
10 am – Noon   CCA Cattle Health & Well-Being
10 am – Noon  Cattle Marketing and International Trade
10 am – Noon   CCA Federal Lands
11:15 am – 2:15 pm   Cowbelle of the Year Lunch
Noon – 1 pm     Lunch in the Tradeshow
Noon – 1 pm   Past Presidents Lunch
1 – 2 pm   General Session #3 (Weather Outlook)
2 – 4 pm   Cattlemen’s Poster Session
2 – 4 pm   CCA Property Rights & Environmental Management
2 – 4 pm   CCA Agriculture & Food Policy/Tax and Credit
2:45 – 5 pm   CCW Workshop
4 – 5 pm   CBCIA Cattlemen’s College Session
4 – 5 pm   Local Cattlemen’s Meeting
5 – 6 pm   CCA President’s Reception
6:30 – 10 pm   CCA & CCW Reception & Awards Banquet


6:30 – 7:30 am   CCA Nominating Committee
7 – 9 am   CCW Awards Breakfast
8 – 9:15 am   Cattle-Fax Breakfast
9:30 am – Noon   CCA Board and Membership Meeting
9:30 am – Noon   CCW Board and Membership Meeting



Dr. Derrell Peel, Charles Breedlove Professor of Agribusiness, Oklahoma State University

Dr. Derrell Peel is the Charles Breedlove Professor of Agribusiness in the Department of Agricultural Economics. He will be speaking at this year’s convention on cattle markets.

Derrell has served as the Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist since he came to Oklahoma State University in 1989.  He has B.S. and M.S. degrees from Montana State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. He previously served as the Superintendent of the Southeastern Colorado Range Research Station in Springfield Colorado.   His main program areas at Oklahoma State University include livestock market outlook and marketing/risk management education for livestock producers.

Derrell also works in the area of international livestock and meat trade with particular focus on Mexico and Canada and the North American livestock and meat industry.  He lived in Mexico on sabbatical in 2001 and has developed an extensive knowledge of the Mexican cattle and beef industry and the economics of cattle and beef trade between the U.S. and Mexico.

Rob Johnson, Co-owner and Manager, Strategic Cattle Feeding

Rob Johnson has fed cattle and traded futures for the past 32 years. He will be speaking at this year’s convention on cattle markets.

Rob was born and raised in Ohio on a family cattle and grain farm. He graduated from Ohio State University with a B.S. in Animal Science and M.S. in Agricultural Economics. He currently is a part owner and manages Strategic Cattle Feeding, which feeds cattle Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa. He jointly owns Western Futures, a futures and options brokerage firm which primarily serves cattle hedgers. Western Futures is also a registered Commodity Trading Advisor. He is also jointly owns Ag Trading Group, which trades agricultural futures and cash grain.

In 1989 Mr. Johnson began his career in the Cattle Feeding Division of the Continental Grain Company in Chicago. He spent four years in Chicago doing market analysis and trading the cattle crush, a futures market spread between live cattle, feeder cattle, and corn. During 1992 Mr. Johnson worked at one of Continental’s feedlots in Colorado, where he worked throughout all departments in the feedyard.

In 1994, Mr. Johnson joined the brokerage firm Frontier Risk Management as an Account Executive.  He developed a clientele of primarily cattle feeders but also of others working within the cattle industry. In 1998, he along with Hank Rogers, another broker at Frontier, developed a price risk tracking system now known as TRuMP, an acronym for Total Risk Management Program.  The program continually monitors risk by marking-to-market not only futures and options positions, but also cash market positions. With this program, clients can accurately and in real-time monitor hedge ratios, net positions, and profitability, and profitability relative to price sensitivity.

In 2013, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Rogers opened Western Futures, a branch office of Capital Trading Group that continued to serve the hedging and trading clientele developed over the previous 19 years.

In 2008, Mr. Johnson launched Strategic Cattle Feeding as the manager and part owner along with five other co-owners. The company’s business plan revolves around feeding cattle when positive margins are available and trading the cattle crush.  Today the company has a maximum capacity of approximately 18,000 cattle on feed. The company has grown through retained earnings and from periodic additions of equity. There are now 7 co-owners, and it is 10 times larger than when it began in 2008.

Speaker for 2020 Feeder Meeting: Duane Lenz, CattleFax

Duane Lenz, General Manager, CattleFax

CCA is looking forward to welcoming Duane Lenz back to Reno again for this year’s CattleFax Breakfast.

Growing up south of Castle Rock, Colo., Duane Lenz was raised on a diversified livestock operation. He graduated from Colorado State University with a bachelor’s of science degree in animal science.

Duane began working with CattleFax in 1989 as a market analyst. In addition to serving as General Manager for CattleFax, Duane is responsible for Texas, Arizona and California feedlot members, as well as being involved in protein analysis. Prior to working with CattleFax, Duane spent nine years as a lamb buyer for Farmstead Foods Corporation (formerly Wilson Foods Corp.).

Duane and his wife have two children.

Dr. Stephanie Larson

Dr. Stephanie Larson, UCCE County Director/Livestock & Range Management Advisor

Dr. Stephanie Larson well be speaking at the Ag Pass Informational Workshop on Wednesday from 2-3 pm

Dr. Larson is a UCCE County Director/Livestock & Range Management Advisor, and will present: “Make America Graze Again – How to Build Rangeland Resiliency through Fire & Grazing.”

Pedro Carvalho, PhD, Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist in Feedlot Management at UC Davis

Dr. Carvalho will be the Cattlemen’s College keynote speaker on Thursday from 4-5pm. 

Dr. Carvalho graduated in animal science from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil to pursue a masters degree in animal science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and a doctorate degree in animal science from Penn State University. Since August 2020, Dr. Carvalho is the Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist in Feedlot Management at UC Davis based on the Desert Research and Extension Center in southern California.

Brian Bledsoe

Brian Bledsoe, Meteorologist

Brian Bledsoe will be joining us once again in Reno to give producers an outlook on the weather.

Brian is a chief meteorologist in Colorado Springs, Colorado for KKTV 11 and is the owner of a weather consulting business. Having grown up on a ranch, he understands just how important the weather is when it comes to agriculture. Click here to learn more about him.

Fancy Lady Cowgirl

Courtenay DeHoff, Fancy Lady Cowgirl

Courtenay DeHoff is a cowgirl turned television personality, keynote speaker and podcast host. She will be one of the keynote speakers during the California CattleWomen’s Workshop taking place on Thursday afternoon.

She has worked on-air in front of sold-out crowds at sporting events inside Madison Square Garden and anchored live telecasts for national news networks.

In 2020, DeHoff launched the global brand movement Fancy Lady Cowgirl ™  after struggling to fit the traditional cowgirl mold.  She labeled herself a “Fancy Lady Cowgirl’” proclaiming you can be both a little fancy and a little ranchy.  Through storytelling and fashion, Fancy Lady Cowgirl is working to bridge the gap between urban and rural cultures.

Courtenay has recently been a featured media guest for the 2021 NCBA CattleCon, and the keynote speaker for the 2021 National FFA Convention.

Coach Kiah

Kiah Twisselman Burchett, Coach Kiah

Kiah Twisselman Burchett is a California cattle rancher turned life coach and speaker, passionate about empowering others to create a physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy life they love with a mindset-first approach. She will be one of the keynote speakers during the California CattleWomen’s Workshop taking place on Thursday afternoon.

After battling with her own weight and body image from a young age, Kiah embarked on her own personal health journey losing over 100 pounds, but more importantly, the mental weight she had been carrying with her for years. Her story has been shared in People Magazine, Good Morning America, the Kelly Clarkson Show, Women’s Health and more as she uses her struggles to give strength to others walking the same journey. Growing up as a 6th generation cattle rancher, she has a heart for rural America, the agriculture community, and the western way of life. She was recently awarded the 2020 National Beef Advocate of the Year and nothing makes her heart fuller than being able to intertwine her calling for health and wellness into the community she grew up in.


Tanner Beymer, Executive Director, NCBA Director of Government Affairs &  Market Regulatory Policy

Tanner will give a NCBA Price Discovery and Market Transparency Update during the Cattle Marketing & International Trade Committee Meeting happening on Thursday from 10 am to Noon. This meeting is open to all attendees.  

Dennis Orthmeyer, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services California State Director

Dennis will provide a USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Update during the Property Rights & Environmental Management Committee Meeting on Thursday from 2-4pm. This meeting is open to all attendees.  

Justin Dellinger, Large Carnivore Researcher, California Department of Fish & Wildlife

Justin will provide a California Department of Fish & Wildlife Predator Policy Update during the Property Rights & Environmental Management Committee Meeting on Thursday from 2-4pm. This meeting is open to all attendees.  

John Suther, Branch Chief, Bureau of Livestock Identification

John will provide an update on the Bureau of Livestock Identification during the Cattle Marketing & International Trade Committee Meeting on Thursday from 10 am to Noon. This meeting is open to all attendees.  

Kaitlynn Glover

Kaitlynn Glover, Executive Director, Public Lands Council and NCBA Natural Resources

Kaitlynn Glover will present during the CCA Federal Lands Committee Meeting happening on Thursday from 10 am to Noon. This meeting is open to all attendees.  

Kaitlynn joined NCBA and PLC at the start of 2020 and works closely with CCA staff on public land and natural resource issues impacting California and the West. To learn more about Kaitlynn and the experience she brings click here.

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Update

Multiple UC Davis staff and faculty members will be presenting updates at the Cattle Health & Well-Being Committee Meeting on Thursday at 10am. This meeting is open to all.

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Update
Dr. Mark Stetter, DVM, Dean, University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Jeffrey Stott, PhD, Professor, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

Livestock and Field Services Center Fundraising Update                          
Dr. Michael Lairmore, DVM, PhD, Immediate Past Dean, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

California Animal Health & Food Safety (CAHFS) Lab Update
Dr. Ashley Hill, DVM, PhD, DirectorCAHFS Lab

Large Animal Clinic Update 
Dr. Bret McNabb, DVM, Director, Large Animal Clinic, UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital

Dr. Michael Lairmore, DVM, PhD

Dr. Ashley Hill, DVM, PhD

Dr. Jeffrey Stott, PhD

Dr. Mark Stetter, DVM Dr. Bret McNabb, DVM










The Buck Ford Band
Cowboy Poet Roy Smith
Tradeshow Welcome Party


Peppermill Reno

Reserve your room at the Peppermill today by calling 1-866-821-9996 or by clicking here.



Convention session

Full Registration (CCA/CCW Member)
Includes policy meetings, tradeshow access, Allied Industry Council Wine and Cheese Reception, Welcome Party, Producer Education Series, breakfast & lunch in the tradeshow on Thursday & the CattleFax Breakfast or CCW Awards Breakfast. Not a member and want to join? Become a member at calcattlemen.org/join/.

Full Registration (Non-CCA Member) 
Includes policy meetings, tradeshow access, Allied Industry Council Wine and Cheese Reception, Welcome Party, Cattlemen’s College Sessions, breakfast & lunch in the tradeshow on Thursday & the CattleFax Breakfast or CCW Awards Breakfast.

Young Cattlemen’s Registration
Includes policy meetings, tradeshow access, Allied Industry Council Wine and Cheese Reception, Welcome Party, Cattlemen’s College Sessions, breakfast & lunch in the tradeshow on Thursday & the CattleFax Breakfast or CCW Awards Breakfast.

A La Carte Registrations

CCW Cowbelle of the Year Lunch
CCA & CCW Awards Banquet
CCW Awards Breakfast


The California Cattlemen’s Association invites you to exhibit at the 2021 California Cattle Industry Tradeshow held in conjunction with the CCA/CCW Annual Convention.

This year’s tradeshow will be held December 1-3 at the Peppermill Resort Hotel in Reno, Nevada. With over 100 exhibitors at the 2019 event you won’t want to miss this opportunity to connect with those from across the state active in California’s cattle industry.


Please download the Exhibitor Agreement and Registration Packet to learn more about the details and rules of exhibiting at this year’s tradeshow show or call the CCA office at (916) 444-0845. 

Reserve your booth online or by submitting the packet above via mail, email or fax.

2021 Booth Space Details:
Booth spaces are 10’x10’ and include: backdrape, side rail, ID sign, one six foot skirted table, two side chairs and one wastebasket.

# of booths

Member Price

Non-Member Price

One booth $500 $600
Two booths $850 $950
Three booths $1,000 $1,100
Four booths $1,150 $1,250

Booth assignments are made based on membership status and participation in Association events throughout the year including event sponsorship, attendance at Allied Industry meetings, participating in scholarship interviews, assisting with fundraisers for scholarships or serving in a leadership role. While we value all industry partners, organizations that participate more in the CCA are given priority in terms of booth placement.  Initial booth space reservations will be taken through Friday, October 8th.

Tradeshow Questions? Contact Lisa Brendlen at [email protected] or (916) 444-0845.


Looking for opportunities to sponsor this year’s event? Download the 2021 Participation Opportunities Packetto see what sponsorship opportunities are available! Contact Lisa Brendlen at [email protected] or (916) 444-0845 with any questions.

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