

February 24, 2025

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FinCEN to Begin Enforcing Corporate Transparency Act March 21
On Tuesday, the Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced that it will begin enforcing beneficial ownership information reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) on March 21. The announcement came one day after the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas lifted an injunction which had prohibited enforcement of the CTA (the U.S. Supreme Court lifted a similar injunction last month).

As a reminder, the CTA requires many small businesses with 20 or fewer employees to file with FinCEN “identifying information about the individuals who directly or indirectly own or control” the business.

Beneficial ownership information can be reported to FinCEN here, and a detailed FAQ about reporting under the CTA is available here. CCA partner the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) urges ranchers “to consult an attorney and/or tax professional regarding personal impacts from the Corporate Transparency Act” before filing.

CCA expects that there will be additional activity surrounding CTA enforcement in the months ahead. Numerous legal challenges continue to work their way through the courts, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in a suit challenging the law on March 25. Additionally, there are House and Senate bills to delay CTA enforcement until January of 2026 and efforts in both chambers to repeal the CTA outright.

CCA will continue to keep members informed of any developments regarding enforcement of the CTA’s beneficial ownership information reporting requirements.

CCA-Sponsored Bills Introduced in State Assembly
CCA this month secured the introduction of two bills to benefit California’s cattle producers. Asm. Diane Papan (D-San Mateo) introduced CCA-sponsored Assembly Bill 411, which would legalize on-ranch composting of routine livestock mortalities. CCA also secured introduction of AB 525 (Lackey), which seeks to extend the current exemption for agricultural vehicles from the California Highway Patrol’s (CHP) Basic Inspection of Terminals (BIT) program. CCA thanks Assemblymembers Papan and Lackey for their service to California’s cattle producers. For additional information, see last week’s edition of California Cattleman Weekly or the March edition of the California Cattleman magazine.

Fish & Game Commission Delays Action Limiting Coyote Hunting after CCA Engagement
Earlier this month, the California Fish and Game Commission considered a motion from its Wildlife Resources Committee (WRC) “that the Commission approve a future rulemaking to amend Section 472 to remove coyotes” while maintaining hunting opportunities. Section 472 allows nongame mammals – including coyotes – to “be taken at any time of the year and in any number.” Citing concerns outlined in a CCA letter, the Commission took no action on the motion, instead re-referring the issue to the WRC for further discussion. The WRC will take additional public feedback on the proposal at its next meeting, which will be held May 15 in Sacramento. For additional information, see last week’s edition of California Cattleman Weekly.

CDFW Collars 12 Gray Wolves, Provides Statewide Wolf Updates
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) recently reported that the agency has collared a dozen gray wolves in northern California, meaning “There are now more satellite-collared wolves in California than ever before.” Additionally, CDFW reports that the California Wolf Project has issues its 2024 Annual Report, which highlights in part the Project’s efforts to genetically test 394 scat samples collected from wolves to better “understand the summer diets of wolves.” For additional information, see last week’s edition of California Cattleman Weekly.

Upcoming CCA Events

CCA Steak and Eggs Breakfast + Lobby Day
March 12, 2025, Sacramento, CA
Join the California Cattlemen’s Association and other CCA members at the 44th Steak and Eggs Breakfast + Lobby Day. Plan to be in Sacramento on Wednesday, March 12. Breakfast starts at 8am! Over breakfast, enjoy sharing about your ranch while meeting representatives from regulatory and legislative offices in Sacramento. Following the breakfast, attendees will head across the street to the state Capitol to continue conversations about ranching in California. To RSVP for the event, email our membership and events coordinator Gracie LeCheminant at [email protected] or visit our website by clicking here.

2025 Feeder Meeting Registration Open
May 21-22, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, CA
Registration for Feeder Meeting is now open! Feeder Meeting will take place May 21 – 22. To register and view a tentative schedule, click here. Please note registration prices will increase after 3/10. To book your stay at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront, click here.

Upcoming Industry Events

NCBA Producer Education: Cattlemen’s Webinar Series
Feb. 25, 2025 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm CST, Virtual
The NCBA Producer Education, Cattlemen’s Webinar Series is hosting a webinar on “Managing Risk Takes A Team” on Tuesday, Feb. 25. The webinar will feature various guest speakers and cover what businesses should consider for risk programs, discuss why biosecurity planning is important and much more. To learn more about the webinar and register, click here.

Cattle Biosecurity Workshop
March 1, 2025 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center, Browns Valley, CA
The University of California, Davis, and UC Davis Veterinary Medicine are hosting a Cattle Biosecurity Workshop on Saturday, March 1 at the Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center. The workshop will cover an array of topics including, creating a line of separation, cleaning and disinfecting vehicles and equipment, proper use of personal protective equipment, writing standard operating procedures for personnel and visitors, and much more. To view the flyer with registration instructions click here

Agricultural Conservation Easement 101 Workshop
March 14, 2025, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Gazelle Grange, Gazelle, CA
The Siskiyou Land Trust is hosting an “Agricultural Conservation Easement 101 Workshop” on Friday, March 14 at the Gazelle Grange. The workshop will cover the potential long-term benefits related to conservation easements and the ways conservation easements may assist with ranch planning and stewardship. No RSVPS are required. To learn more about the event, click here.

Public Lands Council Legislative Conference
April 8-9, 2025, Washington, D.C.
The Public Lands Council (PLC) Legislative Conference will take place April 8-9, in Washington, D.C. To view a tentative schedule click here. To register, click here.

CCA in the News

CA Fish and Game delays action on coyote takings Western Livestock Journal “The agenda for the Jan. 15 meeting did not clearly state that coyote limits were up for discussion, the California Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) said, and as a result, ranchers missed the opportunity to share their experiences with coyotes threatening their calves.” To continue reading, click here.

Industry News

Trump’s spending freeze halts key California wildfire work: ‘We can’t even buy the rakes’ San Francisco Chronicle “A key federal agency overseeing 15 million acres of public lands in California has halted some critical fire prevention work because of the massive freeze in government funding directed by President Donald Trump.” To continue reading, click here.

USDA will not ban cattle imports from Mexico over latest screwworm case, agency says Reuters “The U.S. Department of Agriculture will not restrict cattle imports from Mexico after another discovery of a damaging pest called New World screwworm in a cow south of the border, the agency said on Tuesday.” To continue reading, click here.

A new episode of Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast is out now! In this week’s episode, three experts join CCA’s Katie Roberti to talk about biosecurity. Dr. Gaby Maier and Dr. Lais Costa from UC Davis and University of California Ag and Natural Resources, share their expertise. Dr. Julia Herman from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association shares her national perspectives on the importance of biosecurity. Text us your comments, feedback and episode ideas! To listen, click here.

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