Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast

Season 5, Episode 2
There are many questions following the tragic wildfires in Los Angeles. How did the wildfires in Los Angeles get to this point? Could more have been done prior to prevent this level of catastrophe? Where does CCA and the CCA Fire Subcommittee go from here in advocating for more action on prevention?
Those questions and more are answered on this episode by Anthony Stornetta, a San Luis Obispo County cattle rancher, Deputy Fire Chief of Operations for Santa Barbara County Fire Department and the Chair of CCA’s Fire Subcommittee. Listen as Anthony gives his insights and knowledge on how the LA wildfires got to be what they did and where we go from here as a state with more wildfires in its future.
Sorting through Rick Roberti’s Perspectives as CCA’s 52nd President
Hear from CCA's new president, Rick Roberti
Sorting through NCBA CEO Colin Woodall’s Insights on the Farm Bill, Incoming Administration, The Death Tax & Other Critical Policies
An episode from Annual Convention
About the Podcast: Everyday, The California Cattlemen’s Association is sorting through the issues impacting California’s ranching families and producers. To communicate those issues, discuss solutions and keep ranchers current on the hot topics CCA leadership has developed this podcast.
In each episode we will be talking with CCA leadership and leading experts on issues specific to ranching and producing beef in California. Tune in every other Monday to hear updates on legislative and regulatory fronts in Sacramento, deep-dives into current events, challenges and more!
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