October 30, 2023
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New Episode of Storting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast
A new episode of Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast is out now! In this episode Katie sits down with CCA’s Vice President of Government Affairs, Kirk Wilbur to discuss the end of the legislative session and CCA’s wins over the course of the year. To listen to the episode click here.
California Cattle Council and Beef Council Seek Nominees for Board of Directors
The California Beef Council and California Cattle Council are looking for producers to serve on their Board of Directors.
If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity or would like to submit an application please email Billy Gatlin at [email protected].
Income Tax Filing Deadline Extended to November 16 for Most Californians
The Internal Revenue Service has announced that it has extended until November 16 the deadline for Californians in every county except Lassen, Modoc and Shasta counties to file their 2022 federal income tax returns. California’s Franchise Tax Board has announced that it has correspondingly extended the deadline for residents of 55 counties to file their state income tax returns.
USDA’s FSA Extends Storm Assistance Deadline
The California State office of USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) has announced that producers impacted by this winter’s severe storms have until December 29 to apply for assistance under the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP). All California counties that were impacted by severe storms or subsequent flooding from December 2022 through April 2023 are eligible for the ECP. For additional details, see FSA’s announcement, here.
2023 Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV)
From the California Department of Food and Agriculture Animal Health Branch
The VSV incident and situation in California remains active and ongoing, and continues to require vigilance throughout the state. Ongoing and active outreach to encourage prompt reporting of suspect lesions in horses and susceptible livestock and an immediate movement of any suspect animals will continue to assist with preventing virus spread by infected animals. To download the most recent information sheet, click here. To learn more, see the August 14 edition of Legislative Bulletin.
National Cattlemen’s Foundation Encourages Undergraduate Students to Apply for Beef Industry Scholarship
The National Cattlemen’s Foundation (NCF) is encouraging undergraduate students to apply for the 2024 CME Group Beef Industry Scholarship. The application deadline is Nov. 10, 12pm CT. For more information and to apply click here.
107th CCA + CCW Annual Convention Attendee Registration Open
Attendee registration for the 2023 CCA/CCW Convention is now open! Register, reserve your room in CCA’s room block and get more information at http://calcattlemen.org/convention2023. An updated convention schedule can be viewed here. Click the links below for more resources related to the event. Attendee Registration | Reserve your Tradeshow Booth Now | Sponsorship Opportunities.
Upcoming CCA Events
107th CCA + CCW Annual Convention and Industry Tradeshow
Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, The Nugget Casino Resort, Sparks, Nev.
Attendee registration and the hotel room block for the 2023 CCA/CCW Convention is now open! Register, reserve your room in CCA’s room block and get more information at http://calcattlemen.org/convention2023. Click the links below for more resources related to the event. Reserve your Tradeshow Booth Now | Sponsorship Opportunities. For further information, click here. A revised schedule is now available on our website. To view the schedule, click here.
Participate in the 2023 Cattlemen’s Poster Session
Participate in the 2023 Cattlemen’s Poster Session at the 107th CCA/CCW Convention and California Cattle Industry Tradeshow in Reno happening Nov. 29 – Dec. 1. The goal of the session is to inform attendees about ongoing beef cattle research and education efforts being conducted in California. Posters can be on something that was presented at previous meetings and there is no limit to the number of posters brought from each lab/program. Click here for full details on how to reserve a place for your postere by Nov. 3.
Upcoming Industry Events
CalVTP Field Training: Sierra Foothills, Vista Del Rio Project UCCE Offers AB 589 Water Measurement and Reporting Course 42nd Annual Agribusiness Management Conference 2024 NCBA Annual Convention |
Industry News
Stepping Lightly in the Sage: Researchers Learn Moderate Grazing Has No Effect on Sage Grouse Nest Success University of Idaho “The 10-year study led by U of I Professor Courtney Conway shows that cows sharing nesting habitat with grouse on federal lands has no influence on nest success of greater sage grouse if grazing intensity is kept at current levels. In fact, according to the research, there are upshots for grouse living alongside cows. Having bovines on the land results in a greater abundance of insects, especially in the spring, when chicks rely on bugs for food.” To continue reading, click here.
Wildlife Conservation Board Names Jennifer Norris Executive Director California Department of Fish and Wildlife “Norris arrives from the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) where she served as Deputy Secretary for Biodiversity and Habitat since 2020. At CNRA, Norris led California’s 30×30 initiative to conserve 30 percent of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030 and oversaw the Cutting Green Tape initiative to accelerate the pace and scale of ecological restoration.” To continue reading, click here.
A new episode of Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast is out now! In this episode Katie sits down with CCA’s Vice President of Government Affairs, Kirk Wilbur to discuss the end of the legislative session and CCA’s wins over the course of the year. To listen to the episode click here.