July 31, 2023
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SWRCB to Host Listening Sessions on SB 88 Water Measurement and Reporting Requirements
The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) has announced that it will host an in-person listening session on August 10 regarding “water measurement and reporting regulation adopted pursuant to 2015 Senate Bill 88.” The hearing will be held from noon to 4:00pm in the Coastal Hearing Room of the CalEPA headquarters at 1001 I Street in Sacramento.
In addition to next week’s in-person hearing, the Board will this Thursday host a virtual listening session, previously reported in Legislative Bulletin, to receive feedback regarding the regulations (registration for Thursday’s virtual hearing was due by noon today).
According to the announcements, the listening sessions are intended to assist SWRCB staff in “evaluating ways to increase compliance and data quality” relating to the regulations given that “compliance with the requirements remains low, and the quality of diversion data submitted pursuant to the regulation is highly variable.” As a result of the listening session, SWRCB may develop guidance documents, templates or even consider revising its measurement and reporting regulations.
CCA staff is registered to participate in Thursday’s virtual hearing and intends to appear before the SWRCB at the in-person hearing on the 10th, as well.
UPDATE: Status of Scott River Watershed Curtailment Suspensions Unclear; Virtual Webinars Announced
As reported in last week’s Legislative Bulletin, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) previously extended suspensions of curtailment orders within the Scott River watershed through today, July 31, so long as minimum flows of 50 cubic feet per second (cfs) are sustained at the US Geological Survey’s Fort Jones gage. As of press time, the SWRCB had not announced whether curtailment suspensions would be further extended; CCA notes that as of press time water levels at the Fort Jones gage were only slightly above the minimum flows at 54.7 cfs. Diverters within the Scott River watershed are encouraged to monitor the SWRCB’s Scott River and Shasta River Watersheds Drought Response webpage for potential updates throughout this week.
The SWRCB has also announced that it will hold two virtual webinars in the coming months “about water rights and fisheries in the Scott River and Shasta River watersheds…meant to continue to provide information and an opportunity for engagement on important topics as the drought emergency regulation for the watersheds expires.” The first of these webinars, “Water Rights 101,” will be held Thursday at 4:00pm to “provide an introduction and overview of key water right concepts related to these watersheds.” Participation instructions are available here.
As noted above, the current emergency curtailment regulation for the Scott and Shasta River watersheds is set to expire tomorrow. The SWRCB recently received a petition asking it to set minimum flow regulations for the Scott River, and the Board is set to consider that petition at its Board meeting on August 15.
CDFA Announces Vacancy on Livestock Identification Advisory Board
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has announced that there is an opening for one Beef Cattle Producer member on the agency’s Livestock Identification Advisory Board. Beef cattle producers interested in filling the vacancy are encouraged to “send a brief resume by August 31, 2023, to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Bureau of Livestock Identification, Attention: John Suther, 1220 N Street, Sacramento, California 95814.” For additional information, see last week’s edition of Legislative Bulletin.
2023 CCA Scholarship Applications Now Available
Applications for the 2023 CCA Scholarships are being accepted now through October 1, 2023. CCA awarded $59,000 in scholarships to students studying agriculture, although scholarship amounts and quantities vary year to year. Current CCA members (producer, feeder or YCC) that are currently enrolled at a university or college are eligible to apply. Past recipients of her CCA scholarship program may also apply again this year. For a complete list of awards and to download the application visit calcattlemen.org/scholarships. Contact Maureen in the CCA office at [email protected] with any questions.
CCA Seeking Applications for a Membership and Events Coordinator
CCA is hiring a Membership and Events Coordinator to be responsible for managing the organization’s membership programs and coordinating events. This role involves promoting membership benefits, recruiting new members, organizing events and activities, and providing excellent customer service to members. See the full job description and details on applying at https://calcattlemen.org/careers.
Tune into RTAP’s Climate Issues Update for Ranchers Webinar
Tune in to the Climate Issues Update for Ranchers Webinar on Tuesday, Aug. 15 at 5:00pm. The Rancher Technical Assistance Program’s (RTAP) Jack Rice and Noah Lopez will cover carbon market updates, local climate action plan updates and CCA’s Vice President of Government Affairs Kirk Wilbur will provide a legislative climate update. To register for the webinar, click here.
New Episode of Stories from California Cattle Country
Stories from California Cattle Country, “Interviewing school-aged and future agricultural professionals, Ulises Garcia and Chiara Stornetta” is out now. To listen to the episode click here. Stories from California Cattle Country is produced by The California Cattlemen’s Foundation with support from the California Cattle Council. If you want a glimpse into our travels, follow the podcast’s Instagram account @calcattlecountry.
Upcoming CCA Events
CCA Cattle-PAC Auction + Dinner
Sept. 16, Paso Robles, CA
Get your tickets and reserve your sponsorships now for the 2023 Cattle-PAC Auction and Dinner at Jimmy’s Watering Hole at the Mid-State Fairgrounds. To purchase tickets or reserve a table click here. To view the sponsorship packet, click here. For information on the Cattle-PAC event, click here.
107th CCA + CCW Annual Convention and Industry Tradeshow
Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, The Nugget Casino Resort, Sparks, Nev.
Upcoming Industry Events
2023 Public Lands Council Annual Meeting
Sept. 5 – Sept. 8, 2023, Pendleton, OR
Join the Public Lands Council in Pendleton, OR for their annual meeting. To register for the meeting, click here. To view the agenda, click here.
CalVTP in Practice: Lessons Learned From the Urban Interface in San Mateo County Parks
Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023, 9:00 am – 11:45 am, Webinar
Learn about collaborative forest health and fuel reduction project at Huddart and Wunderlich County Parks, in Silicon Valley’s wildland-urban interface (WUI). To register for the webinar, click here.
CCA in the News
Rep. Panetta Reintroduces His Bipartisan Legislation to Better Protect and Assist Family Farms Congressman Jimmy Panetta “‘On behalf of the ranching families who steward 38 million acres of California rangeland, the California Cattlemen’s Association applauds Congressman Panetta’s introduction of the Preserving Family Farms Act. Currently the estate tax results in vast swaths of rangeland lost to development every day; the Act’s tax reforms will ensure that ranching families have the opportunity to conserve working rangelands and protect open space in California,’ said California Cattlemen’s Association Executive Vice President Billy Gatlin. ‘CCA fully supports the Preserving Family Farms Act and thanks Congressman Panetta for his leadership in ensuring the sustainability of family ranching and the protection of the open spaces all Californians enjoy.’” To continue reading, click here.
Cattle Producers Direct NCBA Action on Cell-Cultured Products National Cattlemen’s Beef Association “This directive was brought forward by the Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association, California Cattlemen’s Association, and Florida Cattlemen’s Association and passed at the Summer Business Meeting. All policies passed at this meeting will be forwarded to NCBA’s general membership for a full vote in the fall. This grassroots policy process ensures that NCBA’s policy positions reflect the views of cattle producers.” To continue reading, click here.
Industry News
Cattleman’s four decades of UCCE collaborations advance ranching practices UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources “In 1990, Cowley was honored as the California Beef Cattle Improvement Association’s Seedstock Producer of the year and, in 2007, was named Siskiyou County’s Cattleman of the Year. He has served as president of the Siskiyou County Cattlemen’s Association, on the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, as well as on committees for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.” To continue reading, click here.
How California State Fair’s livestock competitions are training kids to be farmers, ranchers The Sacramento Bee “Eleven-year-old Gentry Gudel has been in the livestock business for two years now.“I have my own operation,” she said, describing her herd of cows on her family’s five-acre home in Wilton.” To continue reading, click here.
A new episode of Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast is out now! Tune in as experts from the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture talk about the laws of mobile custom livestock slaughtering in California. To listen to the episode click here.