Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast
Episode 3: Lack of Precipitation Insurance exists? Tell me more.
Over the last decade, WSR Insurance Services, the exclusive insurance broker of CCA, has helped hundreds of CCA members and other livestock producers throughout the Western States obtain insurance for lack of precipitation through the PRF program. On this episode, Jim Vann and Matt Griffith of WSR join Katie to talk about what PRF is as the December 1 deadline for obtaining PRF policies for 2022 is quickly approaching.
Get in touch with WSR: Visit and fill out the contact form at the top of the webpage or call the toll-free number (877) 920-8500 to get in touch with a WSR Insurance agent.

About the Podcast: Everyday, The California Cattlemen’s Association is sorting through the issues impacting California’s ranching families and producers. To communicate those issues, discuss solutions and keep ranchers current on the hot topics CCA leadership has developed this podcast.
In each episode we will be talking with CCA leadership and leading experts on issues specific to ranching and producing beef in California. Tune in every other Monday to hear updates on legislative and regulatory fronts in Sacramento, deep-dives into current events, challenges and more!
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