Virtual AB 589 Water Measurement and Reporting Course Scheduled for May 20
The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) has announced that it will offer a virtual water measurement and reporting course as authorized by CCA-sponsored Assembly Bill 589 (2017) on Thursday, May 20 from 1:00-4:00pm. Those interested in attending the virtual course can pre-register and pay for the course here. There will be a limited number of seats offered for this training in 2021, so early pre-registration is encouraged.
Senate Bill 88 (2015) requires all water right holders who divert more than 10 acre-feet of water per year to annually measure and report their water diversion (detailed information on the regulatory requirements is available here). As originally written, the legislation required diverters of 100-acre feet or more annually to have a measuring device installed and certified by an engineer, contractor or other professional. AB 589 amended that require by allowing any diverter who has successfully completed a UCCE instructional course to be considered a qualified individual when installing a measurement device.
At the workshop you will: clarify reporting requirements for ranches; understand what meters are appropriate for different situations; learn how to determine measurement equipment accuracy; develop an understanding of measurement weirs; and learn how to calculate and report volume from flow data.
Should you have any questions about this training, please contact Larry Forero at or Sara Jaimes at, or call the Shasta UCCE office at (530) 224-4900.
2024 California Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship Applications Open
Applications are due Oct. 1.
Feeder Meeting Registration and Room Block Now Open
Feeder Meeting is set to return to San Diego, May 22- 23