CCA Commends Governor Newsom for moving forward on early action funding for wildfires

Progressing on action for fuel load reductions as described in yesterday’s release from the Governor is a critical step forward

The California Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) commends Governor Newsom and the Administration for moving forward on action items in California’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan, specifically on ensuring early action funding for fuel load management in California. The need for the $80.74 million of emergency funding set for increasing prevention and response tactics to wildfires in California is only becoming more crucial everyday with drought conditions in the state persisting as the Governor’s office addressed in yesterday’s release.

CCA and ranchers across the state are ready to work with the Administration to help meet the strategy proposed earlier this year in the Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan “to increase the pace and scale of forest and wildland management to meet the state’s target of completing projects on 500,000 acres annually by 2025 and expanding the use of prescribed fire.” Additionally, the Association is continuing to advocate for the increased use of the research-supported method of using livestock grazing to remove fuel loads.


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