Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast
S4 E24: Sorting through the California Beef Council’s engagement at the California School Nutrition Association Conference
California Beef Council Director of Food & Nutrition Outreach Kori Dover and host, Katie Roberti share about CBC’s engagement and efforts to promote beef at the California School Nutrition Conference in the middle of November. Learn what the conference entails, why it is important CBC invests in showing up at this conference annually, and how exhibiting at this event gives CBC the opportunity to share about beef with decision makers who are selecting what’s served at schools throughout California.
Episode Resources:
To see the California Beef in Schools materials Kori shares about visit
Read more about the Grateful Grazing event here.

Sorting through the importance of a biosecurity plan
Three experts join us to talk explain biosecurity
Sorting through the background that led to the end of 11 families’ ranching legacies in Point Reyes
Hear from Kevin Lunny, a rancher in the Seashore.
Sorting through the LA Wildfires with CCA Fire Subcommittee Chair Anthony Stornetta
A discussion on the LA wildfires
About the Podcast: Everyday, The California Cattlemen’s Association is sorting through the issues impacting California’s ranching families and producers. To communicate those issues, discuss solutions and keep ranchers current on the hot topics CCA leadership has developed this podcast.
In each episode we will be talking with CCA leadership and leading experts on issues specific to ranching and producing beef in California. Tune in every other Monday to hear updates on legislative and regulatory fronts in Sacramento, deep-dives into current events, challenges and more!
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