April 8, 2024
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Newsom and Legislature Agree to Early-Action Budget Cuts
On Thursday, Governor Gavin Newsom’s office released an overview of an early-action budget agreement between the Administration and the Legislature. The agreement identifies a series of funding cuts, spending delays and budget shifts meant to shrink the deficit – pegged at $38 billion by the Department of Finance in January – by approximately $17.3 billion.
The agreement largely tracks the proposed early-action Budget measures Gov. Newsom requested in his January Proposed Budget, and includes $3.6 billion in spending cuts, $3.1 billion in spending delays and $3.4 billion in fund shifting (among other provisions). Among the specifics in the proposal are $206.5 million in funding cuts to Watershed Climate Resilience and $1.8 billion in funding shifted from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.
The agreement also “includes budget language authorizing the Administration to freeze additional one-time funding that was included in the 2021, 2022, or 2023 Budget Acts.”
According to a press release from the Governor’s Office, a budget bill reflecting the early-action agreement could be voted upon in the Legislature as soon as this Thursday.
CCA continues to aggressively advocate for inclusion within the 2024-25 Budget of funding for a Wolf/Livestock Compensation Program at the Department of Fish and Wildlife and for additional resources for wildfire and forest resilience. Looking beyond this week’s likely early action, Governor Newsom will release a revised Budget proposal next month and legislators must finalize the Budget by the end of June.
DMV Begins Blocking Registration for Vehicles Not Compliant with CARB Clean Truck Check Regulation
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) announced via email Wednesday, April 3, that the Department of Motor Vehicles has begun placing registration holds on vehicles not in compliance with Clean Truck Check regulation reporting requirements.
The Clean Truck Check regulation – also known as the Heavy Duty Inspection and Maintenance Program – applies to nearly all non-gasoline vehicles (including diesel vehicles) with a gross vehicle weight rating of 14,000 pounds or more which operate within California. As previously reported by CCA, vehicles subject to the regulation were required to report their vehicles to CARB’s Clean Truck Check Database and pay a $30-per-vehicle fee by January 31.
CARB is now urging owners of covered vehicles to “report your vehicle in the Clean Truck Check reporting database…and pay any compliance fees” to “avoid potential registration holds.” CARB notes that eCheck payments may require 7 business days before filers can download their compliance certificates and that “Once a registration hold is placed on a vehicle, it will take 3 – 5 business days from the date the certificate is downloaded for that to be updated with DMV.”
In related news, as reported in last week’s California Cattleman Weekly, CARB has announced that “the effective date for section 2196.2 of the [Clean Truck Check] regulation will now take effect on October 1, 2024.” Under that section of the regulation, owners of heavy-duty vehicles must submit to periodic emissions testing of their vehicles (similar to the state’s smog inspection program for light-duty vehicles). For California-registered vehicles, emissions testing compliance deadlines are tied to the vehicle’s DMV registration date, and passing test results must be submitted within 90 days of the compliance deadline. For on-road agricultural vehicles, compliance tests are required annually for 2013 and newer model year engines and twice a year for vehicles with older engines (for more information, see the “Periodic Testing Requirements” section, here).
For additional information on the Clean Truck Check regulation, visit CARB’s Clean Truck Check program webpage.
New Episode of Stories from California Cattle Country
A new episode of Stories from California Cattle Country, ” Predators – Mountain Lions with Vince Fontana in Half Moon Bay” is out now! Stories from California Cattle Country is produced by the California Cattlemen’s Foundation with support from the California Cattle Council. To listen, click here.
USDA Seeks Partnerships to Expand Conservation on Grazing Lands
“The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing up to $22 million in partnerships that expand access to conservation technical assistance for livestock producers and increase the use of conservation practices on grazing lands. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is accepting proposals through its Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) until Sunday, May 26, 2024.” To continue reading click here. Individuals and farmer/rancher organizations are eligible to apply here.
SWRCB to Issue Notices of Violation to Delinquent Diversion and Use Filers
The State Water Resources Control Board has announced that “in a few weeks” it will begin issuing Notices of Violation to water rightsholders who have yet to file their Annual Water Diversion and Use reports for Water Year 2023 (October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023). According to the Water Board, “If you submit your past-due report promptly, you will not receive the notice and potential future enforcement action.” For more information, see last week’s edition of California Cattleman Weekly.
U.S. Senate Votes to Block Paraguayan Beef Imports; Resolution Pending in House
The United States Senate voted on March 21 to advance a resolution which would block a final rule from the U.S. Department of Agriculture that proposes to permit the importation of fresh chilled or frozen beef from Paraguay despite the South American nation’s concerning animal health record. The resolution is now pending in the House of Representatives; should the resolution advance, it will then head to President Joe Biden’s desk. While President Biden has not issued a formal veto threat, the White House has said it “strongly opposes passage of S.J. Res. 62.” CCA will continue to keep members up-to-date regarding the status of S.J. Res. 62; for additional information, see the March 25 edition of California Cattleman Weekly or read the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s press release.
Upcoming CCA Events
2024 Feeder Meeting
May 22-23, 2024, San Diego, CA
The 2024 Feeder Meeting will take place at the San Diego Hilton Bayfront, May 22-23. For further information about the event and to book your room click here. To register, click here.
Registration for 2024 Midyear Meeting is Open!
June 26-27, 2024, Nugget Casino Resort, Sparks, Nev.
Registration for Midyear Meeting at the Nugget Casino Resort is now open! To register, click here. For more information on the CCA room block, click here. Look for more details on the meeting schedule to be posted in the coming weeks.
Upcoming Industry Events
Beef Sustainability; From Pasture to Purpose, Consumer Insights and Communication Strategies Webinar
April 16, 2024, Virtual, 11am MT, From NCBA
NCBA is hosting a webinar that will focus on beef sustainability as it relates to supply chain operators. Topics will include current media landscape, consumer perceptions and messaging, current research efforts, and NCBA resources for operators. The webinar will be live on April 16th at 11 am MT. The webinar is open to the public. For more information and to register, click here.
2024 NCBA Legislative Conference
April 17-19, JW Marriott, Washington, D.C.
The 2024 NCBA Legislative Conference will take place April 17-19 at the JW Marriott in Washington D.C. The conference provides attendees the opportunity to join NCBA’s policy team in meeting with members of Congress, and agency officials and hearing from various guest speakers. To learn more about the event and to register, click here.
Industry News
Groups seek to ban large-scale animal farming in Sonoma County Los Angeles Times “Sponsors of the ordinance aim ‘to get rid of animal agriculture all together, everywhere,’ insisted Dayna Ghirardelli, the president of the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. She said the organizers of the petition are animal ‘extremists’ and are using this legislation as a means to start the process of wiping out farms. ‘This is just the beginning.’” To continue reading, click here.
Governor Newsom Unveils Water Plan to Capture More Water and Defend Against Extreme Weather Office of Governor Gavin Newsom “At another above average snowpack survey, Governor Newsom released the state’s updated Water Plan to protect California’s water supplies from the climate crisis while boosting our ability to capture and store water for when dry conditions return.” To continue reading, click here.
Yes, beavers can help stop wildfires. And more places in California are embracing them Los Angeles Times “A vast burn scar unfolds in drone footage of a landscape seared by massive wildfires north of Lake Tahoe. But amid the expanses of torched trees and gray soil, an unburnt island of lush green emerges.” To continue reading, click here.
A new episode of Sorting Pen: The California Cattleman Podcast is out now! In this week’s episode, Katie sits down with CCA Second Vice President John Austel as he shares about his life as a San Diego County cattle rancher and his desire to serve as a CCA officer To listen, click here.