What temporary guidance exists for veterinarians working with producers at this time?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in a release on March 24 that “it intends to temporarily not enforce certain requirements in order to allow veterinarians to better utilize telemedicine to address animal health needs during the pandemic.” To help answer questions on the temporary guidance for veterinarians and producers, the American Association of Bovine Practitioners,

Will meat inspections continue during this pandemic?

USDA ensures that quality grading and inspection services will continue. On the Frequently Asked Questions page of USDA’s coronavirus webpage, the Department ensures the following: “USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) continues to provide critical inspections and grading services. AMS is ensuring the health and safety of USDA employees while still providing the timely delivery of the services to

Will packing plants continue to operate?

NCBA has created an extensive FAQ document, which includes the following answer regarding if packing plants are planning to close or reduce operations in light of the coronavirus: Packing plants are working to ensure worker health and safety so that employees can continue to work, and plants can continue to operate.  They are working on contingency

What changes have been made to the processing of H-2 Visas?

On March 26, the Department of the State and the Department of Homeland Security announced the authorization of "consular officers to expand the categories of H-2 visa applicants whose applications can be adjudicated without an in-person interview." Following the announcement, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued the following statement: “Temporarily waiving in-person interviews for H-2

As an employer, what should I know about the “Families First Coronavirus Relief Act” signed by the President on 3/18?

On March 18, the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act was signed into law by the President. The Act “provides for supplemental appropriations related to the COVID-19 public health emergency, as well as waivers and modifications of Federal nutrition programs, employment-related protections and benefits, health programs and insurance coverage requirements, and related tax credits during the

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